Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oakland Landmarks, Inc.

The Dr. Hiram Rutherford House is at the heart of the complex of historic buildings preserved by Landmarks, Inc. This historical organization was formed in 1969 to save the material culture of Oakland and the surrounding vicinity. The Rutherford House is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The buildings on the property are full of historical treasures and fully furnished as they would have been in Rutherford's day, including many items from the Rutherford family.

Dr. Rutherford, along with Gideon Ashmore, were the two men who stepped forward to give refuge to the Bryant family and funded their legal defense. At the time of the trial, 1847, Rutherford was a widowed father of a young boy who was in the process of building the house in the picture. The house was completed a couple of months after the conclusion of the trial. Because of his association with the trial, the home is part of the National Park Service's Network to Freedom and the Illinois' Looking For Lincoln Heritage Coalition.

Dr. Rutherford built his office across the street from the house in 1855. It is the oldest free standing doctor's office in Illinois.

Visit the Landmarks, Inc. website at

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