Trial & Tribulations Ends with Praises for Second Year
Thanks to dozens of members of the community, Trial & Tribulations completed its second year with praise from all quarters. From all reports and the evaluations, the consensus is that the program improved from last year.
The Lincolns, the trolley on Saturday, the meal from Lincoln Springs Resort, and the play were all different this year and were appreciated by those attending. The highlight of the meal was the bread pudding dessert. Words like “interesting,” “informative,” “enjoyable,” “excellent,” show up often in the evaluations to describe the interpreters, the play and historic site format.
Six schools and 168 people visited during the school tours on Friday morning. Two hundred and thirty people enjoyed the public evening programs on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Two-fifths of the audience came from Oakland-Hindsboro; another fifth from the Champaign/Urbana and Charleston/Mattoon areas; one-fifth from about a thirty mile radius; and the last fifth from all over the state including western Illinois and the Chicago suburbs. From comments on the evaluations, it seems that there was a large number of people who returned from last year.
The program required the help of more than sixty volunteers to staff all the sites and various activities. The support of the Oakland community was critical to its success and is much appreciated.
The event is sponsored by Independence Pioneer Village, Oakland Historical Foundation, Oakland Landmarks, Oakland Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Oakland. It is made possible in part by grants from the Ruth and Vaughn Jaenike Access to the Arts Outreach Program of the College of Arts & Humanities, Eastern Illinois University, and the Oakland-Hindsboro Foundation. Visit the website to leave a comment on this year’s program in our guest book: .